Old English Cream Pie Filling
Fast or slow, the instant pot duo does it all.

Recipe Summary Old English Cream Pie Filling
Makes excellent banana, coconut, or chocolate cream pie. This was given to me by a friend many years ago. For banana slice a layer of bananas in pie pan then fill half full with filling add more bananas then rest of filling. For chocolate, add 2 squares semi-sweet chocolate to hot milk and an additional 1/2 cup sugar. Good just to eat as pudding.Ingredients | Instant Pot Duoprep: 10 mins cook: 20 mins total: 30 mins Servings: 16 Yield: 2 pies
TAG : Old English Cream Pie FillingDessert Recipes, Pies, No-Bake Pie Recipes, Pudding Pie Recipes,